Monday, June 16, 2008

TSO Locations - Fully features Web 2.0 component.

Ever since March 2008, development for my current project has been very intense.

Between March and April of this year I implemented features that vary from extending current functionality (like adding a new checkbox here and there with their corresponding actions), to developing complete Features from Spec, Design, Development and testing.

The one I liked the most was developing the TSO Location Selection component. I will not get into development details (because I can't) but I will say that this feature included work from Database integration, Hibernate, integration with other tables and hibernate config files, gathering of requirements, BPM process modeling, and creating WEB 2.0 components so they can easily be used as portlets in Dashboards.

I used Oracle, Hibernate, Java, Javascript, XML, struts, BPM process modeling, and servlets for this one.

Whenever I encounter a feature that is this complete, and I can participate in all of its aspects I get excited. Specially when you do a good job at it, including documentation. This is because when someone else needs to do something similar, they can always reuse and understand the code.

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